
The mission of the Foundation is to support the development, growth and stability of the Render Network.

The Render Network Proposal System

The mission of the Foundation is to support the development, growth and stability of the Render Network. The last few months have seen a lot of changes at the request of the community. We have seen four RNP’s pass: RNP-000, RNP-001, RNP-002, and RNP-003. If you are new to the project they are worth a quick read. The biggest change for the community, and the reason for this post, is RNP-003: Resource Acquisition and Allocation for Core Team and Grants.  

With this RNP we now need to formalize our Grants Program. From the RNP-003: The Foundation will earmark some portion of its treasury for bespoke grants and bounties to support ancillary infrastructure and services necessary for network growth.

The Foundation is going to launch the Grants Program on the Foundation Website with some general guidance on what we are looking for from the community with the intent that the community will drive the best innovation for the project through their ideas and criteria. 

The Render Foundation Grant Program facilitates the health of the network by providing access to funding, technical support, and community resources. We fund projects (large and small) on four main areas: development, resources, community events, and educational resources that strengthen the network and inspire the community.

The Grants Program

Call for entries

The Render Foundation is looking for improvements on the network in the following areas:

Quick Pitch

The Foundation will accept a quick pitch for your project to make sure we are aligned with our goals. You can find the form to pitch the foundation at the bottom of this page.

Request for Proposal

Once approved we will invite you to a longer formal proposal.

Allocation of Grant and Timeline

Once awarded we will discuss timeline and funding.

Year 1 Grant Recipeints

Here is some samples of Render Grant Application

Quick pitch

We would love to hear your ideas on grants and projects. Please fill out the following quick pitch form that will connect you with our team and allow us to invite you to the longer application if it aligns with our community goals.